The town church of St. James, Weißenstadt

Risen from the ruins

In 1823 the church, converted one hundred years earlier into a margrave church, was badly damaged in the town fire. Only the walls remained standing: the late Gothic chancel and the tower of 1518 (when the former St Mary’s church was renamed St James church), the nave with its Romanesqe wall remains, the flying buttresses and the baroque ceiling. On Reformation Day 1827, they were able to consecrate the church once more. Since that time the broad interior has been characterised by the double galleries on each side, elegantly rounded off at the front of the nave, and by the pulpit altar in late classicist style.
The pulpit altar projects out over the altar table between two pairs of angular pillars. On the blue underside of the pulpit roof, the Holy Spirit comes down in the form of a dove. The two angels on the roof do not carry, as was customary, the coat of arms or initials of the most important temporal church patron – that would have been the Bavarian king –  but instead they hold the monogram of Christ. Above this, within a golden halo of rays of light, the triangle shines as a symbol of the triune God.The two large kneeling angels are possibly a later addition, but they fit in well with the adoration of the Holy Trinity.
Nowadays a section of the Way of St James starts here and goes past God’s Acre church, which was spared from the fire and whose baroque furnishings are preserved.

the church.

The town church of St. James
Kirchplatz 2
95163 Weißenstadt

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 08:00-17:00
Sat, Sun 10:00-17:00
From April until September church open until 19.00.

Evang.-Luth. Pfarramt Weißenstadt
09253 276

  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Car parking
  • Public transport
  • Food and drink
  • Church tours

the surroundings.

It's worth going a little bit further: many churches lie on lovely cycle, walking and pilgrim paths. You will find an overview of them in the following map, as well as places worth seeing nearby. It also has links to local area, church and tourist information websites.

Bike tracks, pilgrim paths and hiking trails close to The town church of St. James :

Jakobsweg Fichtelgebirge Marktschorgast-Creußen 70 km Siebensterntour 155 km Wunsiedel Land WUN 15 – Egerradweg 55 km Technikgeschichte und verwunschene Täler 42 km Jean-Paul-Weg 200 km Seenweg 88 km Egerweg 49 km Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3 – Etappe von Mitwitz nach Münchberg 84 km Wunsiedel Land WUN 8 – Von Wunsiedel zum Weißenstädter See 42 km Markgrafenkirchen und sehr viel mehr
Tour 22: “Im Sechsämterland”
48 km

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