The parish church of St John, Röslau

The restored margrave church

With the pulpit altar which ‘Picture-carver Knoll’ from Hof was able to make as early as 1700 the church would have had one of the first examples, but in fact it was only put back together again in 1973. In 1872 everything was ‘cleansed’ of its baroque furnishings in a so-called ‘purification’. The angels and the communion rail were removed; the baptismal angel ended in flames, supposedly because the priest’s robes kept catching on the outstretched wings and superstitious folk would keep adorning it with necklaces. The pictures on the gallery fronts were painted over and not revealed again until 1953. Artist Georg Radius from Röslau painted scenes from the Nativity to the Last Judgement in traditional style, while his son Johann  David Radius created the ceiling painting. This shows the Ascension of Christ , in which Christ, wearing the red robes of a sovereign, enters into heavenly glory wearing a halo of rays of light.
The pulpit altar was moved into the chancel arch in order to create a large hall for the congregation (aisleless church). The picture of the Last Supper on the altar, the organ above and behind it on its own gallery, the font in the centre of the church, and the double gallery on three sides – all of this makes Röslau a typical margrave church.The focal point is the proclamation of God’s word, seen clearly in the Bible verse on the chancel arch: ‘Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it’. There are perfectly natural explanations for the occasional appearance of water droplets on the gravestone of Susanna Sybillavon Waldenfels. Even though its origins go back to the 13C it was never a pilgrimage church, but nowadays it is open daily to visitors.

the church.

The parish church of St John
Ludwigsfelder Str. 4
95195 Röslau

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun 08:00-16:00
From April until October church open until 18.00.

Evang.-Luth. Pfarramt Röslau
09238 277

  • Car parking
  • Bus parking
  • Public transport
  • WC
  • Food and drink
  • Church tours

the surroundings.

It's worth going a little bit further: many churches lie on lovely cycle, walking and pilgrim paths. You will find an overview of them in the following map, as well as places worth seeing nearby. It also has links to local area, church and tourist information websites.

Bike tracks, pilgrim paths and hiking trails close to The parish church of St John:

Wunsiedel Land WUN 8 – Von Wunsiedel zum Weißenstädter See 42 km Wunsiedel Land WUN 5 – Im Hufeisen 41 km Wunsiedel Land WUN 15 – Egerradweg 55 km Jean-Paul-Weg 200 km Egerweg 49 km Röslauweg 42 km Wunsiedel Land WUN 1 – Sechsämter Radweg 95 km Wunsiedel Land WUN 10 – Rund um den Schneeberg 50 km Wunsiedel Land WUN 11 – Im Wunsiedler Becken 45 km Wunsiedel Land WUN 13 – Röslau Radweg 45 km Markgrafenkirchen und sehr viel mehr
Tour 22: “Im Sechsämterland”
48 km

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